What's New in v2023

Single touch payroll Phase 2 is an expansion of the information that should be reported to the ATO from your payroll.

PayTek allows you to capture and report this information. We have also added some new features to assist your payroll administration.

Here is a summary of some of the new items required

Date and reason of employment cessation

When an employee leaves your employ, you should report the date and reason for the cessation. If they are re-employed you can remove the date/reason, unarchive them and start paying them again.

If you tick the Terminated/Archived box you cannot accidentally pay the employee in subsequent payruns.

Storing PDF document for employees

Paytek now allows you to save employee documents into your file. These documents should be PDF format. They are stored in the Paytek database folder and are backed up when you backup the database.

Disclosure reporting

Certain amounts pertaining to your employee must be reported to single touch. Here you can report additional superannuation paid for the employee or director. Similarly you should enter any exempt foreign income or fringe benefits amounts.

Lump Sum Payments

If you pay a Lump sum E to an employee you must report the financial year it relates to. (You can only enter one Lump sum E payment per payrun).

There is a new Lump sum W payment that must also be reported.

(You must enter a “normal gross” when entering a lump sum payment so Paytek can apply the ATO averaging formula for the tax amount)

Other Leave reporting and adjustments

Any pay items categorised as “Other Leave” can have several reporting options.

Normally leave is reported as “Leave Taken” however if it is cashed out you should report it as such. Similarly, if the employee cashes out Time in Lieu that should be reported as such.

Paytek also allows you to enter an accrual adjustment if necessary. This will adjust the entitlement balance.

Single Touch Data Report

The introduction of Single touch payroll replaced the payment summaries previously supplied to employees. They now access their income statement from MyGov.

Paytek provides this data report that details everything reported to the ATO for each employee via single touch payroll. This is accessed from the End of Year menu.

Enhanced Leave accrual calculations

Paytek has always allowed you to pay employees with different pay frequencies in the same payrun.  If doing this you would have to accrue every employees leave based on the default pay cycle (ie weekly fortnightly etc).

V2023 now allows you to specify what accruals to update if you have a mixed payrun. This allows you to accrue leave for monthly employees on a monthly basis.

(This is only applicable if you are accruing leave for full time staff on a fixed number of hours per payrun) 

Emailing payslips

Using the Paytek mail server to send payslips can cause issues with spam filters etc on some systems when your email domain is different to the server domain.

If you have email delivery issues try using the “do-not-reply” option. Advise you employees that their payslip will arrive from this address. This is a simple pass-through address and no information is held or monitored on the mail server.

Rounding net pay amount

Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 requires that all tax deducted be in whole dollars. For this reason, we have removed the option to round the net pay amount which required adjusting the tax deducted by the cents amount.