JobMaker Hiring Credit Scheme and PayTek
The JobMaker Hiring Credit scheme is an incentive for businesses to employ additional young job seekers aged 16–35 years.
Eligible employers can access the JobMaker Hiring Credit for each eligible additional employee they hire between 7 October 2020 and 6 October 2021.
Please consult the ATO website for information
To participate in JobMaker you must be reporting your payroll to single touch payroll.
If your business is eligible and you employ an eligible person there are 4 steps to claim your JobMaker credits.
- Register your business for the JobMaker scheme.
This is a once-off process and you do this via the ATO business portal (or your accountant can do so on your behalf) - Nominate your eligible employee for the JobMaker scheme.
This is a once-off process and you do this via Paytek (reporting to single touch payroll). - Make a declaration that the employee has qualified for the credit.
This is required for each Jobmaker period (ie each quarter per the JobMaker schedule) and you do this via Paytek. - Claim the credit for your eligible employee(s).
This is required for each Jobmaker period (ie each quarter per the JobMaker schedule) and you do this via the ATO business portal (or your accountant can do so on your behalf)
JobMaker reporting via Paytek
If you are participating in JobMaker ensure you have installed Paytek v2021.2 or later. This has an option to create the JobMaker reporting codes (pay items) for you. Find it on the Help menu.
Nominating an employee (Step 2 above)
When you employ an employee eligible for JobMaker add them to your Paytek file as normal.
NOTE that you MUST enter the following information correctly so the ATO can calculate your claim amount:
1. Date of Birth
2. Date Started
3. Tax File Number
4. Date Finished (when a JobMaker employee ceases employment)
Add the JobMaker nomination code (JMHC-NOM) to a pay before the end of their first claim period. You only need to add the nomination code once for the entire JobMaker scheme.
Making your JobMaker declaration (Step 3 above)
After the end of each JobMaker period you send the JobMaker code for that period to declare that the employee has worked the required hours to be eligible for the credit.
Add the code for the period in a pay prior to the end of the claiming period for relevant JobMaker period.
NOTE: Unlike the JobKeeper scheme there is no minimum wage requirement, so no TOP-UP payments are involved.
Below is a table of the JobMaker periods.
At the end of each period determine if your JobMaker employees are eligible for you to claim the credit. If so add the relevant code to their pay before you process your claim (ie before the end of the claiming period).
If your JobMaker employee started midway through the period their DATE STARTED entered into Paytek will be used by the ATO to calculate the credit amount for the period.
JobMaker | JobMaker declaration code | JobMaker | Claim |
Period 1 | JMHC-P01 | 07 October 2020 to 06 January 2021 | 01 February 2021 to 30 April 2021 |
Period 2 | JMHC-P02 | 07 January 2021 to 06 April 2021 | 01 May 2021 to 31 July 2021 |
Period 3 | JMHC-P03 | 07 April 2021 to 06 July 2021 | 01 August 2021 to 31 October 2021 |
Period 4 | JMHC-P04 | 07 July 2021 to 06 October 2021 | 01 November 2021 to 31 January 2022 |
Period 5 | JMHC-P05 | 07 October 2021 to 06 January 2022 | 01 February 2022 to 30 April 2022 |
Period 6 | JMHC-P06 | 07 January 2022 to 06 April 2022 | 01 May 2022 to 31 July 2022 |
Period 7 | JMHC-P07 | 07 April 2022 to 06 July 2022 | 01 August 2022 to 31 October 2022 |
Period 8 | JMHC-P08 | 07 July 2022 to 06 October 2022 | 01 November 2022 to 31 January 2023 |
If a JobMaker employee leaves your employment
If a JobMaker employee leaves you must notify the ATO by entering the DATE FINISHED in their Masterfile. This is sent in your next single touch event and the ATO will calculate the last claim using this date.
What if I rehire a JobMaker employee
If you subsequently rehire a JobMaker employee you should add the renomination code (JMHC-RENOM) to their next pay. You should also update their DATE STARTED in their Masterfile for their rehire date and remove the previously entered DATE FINISHED.
If you nominate an employee in error or mistakenly declare that an employee is eligible for a JobMaker period and have sent the code to single touch payroll you can reverse the code.
Be careful when doing this as you cannot reverse a reversal.
Create a new Paytek pay item for the code identical in setup to the original code but add an “X” to the description ie
To correct a nomination sent in error create a pay item like this
When you add it the employees next pay it will cancel the original nomination code previously sent.